HOW TO USE SWYFTCARD YOU control the power switch, so YOU control the computer. If you start to feel lost, all you need to do is turn off the computer, wait a second, then turn it on again. Youll be back on this page, ready to go. Now try typing your name: Did your name come out ALL CAPITALS? If it did, firmly press and release the CAPS LOCK key (at the lower left corner) until you can type in small letters. Leave the CAPS LOCK key alone after that. To type CAPITAL letters, press and hold down one of the SHIFT keys while you tap the letter keys. This technique of holding one key while tapping others is used a great deal on computers. Now type your name IN CAPS, using SHIFT -- not CAPS LOCK. Nothing you type can harm the tutorial, the computer, or SwyftCard (unless you do your typing with a pickaxe). Example: If you now turn off the computer, take a breath, and turn it on, the slate will be clean. Give it a try! Now that you know how to start over if need be, hold down the SOLID-APPLE key immediately to the right of the SPACE BAR, and WHILE YOU ARE HOLDING IT DOWN, tap the equal sign (=) key three times. THE CURSOR The blinking object below is called the CURSOR. The cursor marks your place on the screen. It°s where the action is. 0 1 === Note where the cursor is now -- on the first of three equal signs. You typed three equal signs and the cursor leaped to them like iron to a magnet. Let’s try it again. Hold down the SOLID-APPLE key, and, WHILE YOU HOLD IT DOWN, tap the = key three times. LET GO of all keys when the screen changes. THE LEAPING CURSOR -- AN INTRODUCTION You have just used the LEAPING ability of the cursor to move ahead in the tutorial. Leaping allows you to go anywhere in the Text very quickly (the Text is all your information, everything that can be shown on the screen). Example: HOLD down the SOLID-APPLE key and, while holding it down, TAP the letter J key once (tapping is a fast hit -- get off the key quickly). You will land on the "j" in "jot". LET GO of all keys. Letting go is very easy, but it is also VERY important. 02 === mix fan bed jot frog Now we°ll use the OTHER Apple key. To move backward to the "x" in "mix", hold down the OPEN-APPLE key (left of the SPACE BAR) and tap the X key. LET GO. To move forward to the "f" in "frog", hold down SOLID-APPLE and type: fr LET GO. TAP the keys like tapping on a window. Let go of all keys, then hold down the SOLID-APPLE key and tap the equal sign key three times. LET GO when the screen changes. LEAP FORWARD AND LEAP BACKWARD As you see, leaping is very quick. It never takes more than half a second, no matter how far you go. The OPEN-APPLE and SOLID-APPLE buttons on the left and right of the SPACE BAR are called the LEAP keys. The SOLID-APPLE key is called LEAP FORWARD, the OPEN-APPLE key is called LEAP BACKWARD. 0 === Pressing and holding one of these keys gets the cursor ready to leap. Thumbs make the best LEAP key operators. This leaves your other fingers free to type. Hold down LEAP FORWARD and tap the equal sign key three times. LET GO when the screen changes. LEAP!!! From now on the word "LEAP!!!" at the bottom of the screen will mean to hold down the LEAP FORWARD key and tap the equal key three times. LET GO of all keys after you leap. If you want to go back and look at a previous lesson, hold LEAP BACKWARD and tap the equal key three times. Then LET GO. You may have to repeat this process a few times to get where you want. You can also hold down either LEAP key and type the number of the lesson. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the number: 99 LET GO. As you can see, the cursor will leap to numbers as well as letters. Do not use "el" (1) for "one" (1) or "oh" (0) for "zero" (0). To a computer, a letter is a letter and a number is a number. LEAP!!! THE CREEPING CURSOR -- AN INTRODUCTION Leaping is best for moving the cursor a long distance, but for short moves we have CREEPING. 05 Tap LEAP BACKWARD to creep left. === Tap LEAP FORWARD to creep right. Example: Tap repeatedly on the left LEAP key and watch the cursor move. Now tap repeatedly on the right LEAP key. Now creep over to the three equal signs and stop. LET GO of all keys. LEAP!!! TYPING No commands are needed for typing. Just type. When you type you create TEXT. Text is letters, words, paragraphs -- whatever you or someone else has typed. 0 6 === The next few screens will show you how to type and make corrections in your text. LEAP!!! WORD WRAP If you are in the middle of typing a word when you reach the end of the line, that entire word automatically moves down to the beginning of the next line. This is called WORD WRAP. 0 === Example: Creep to the right of the three equal signs. Now type two lines of your own. Don’t bother with corrections, just watch the cursor: when you reach the right edge of the screen it will automatically jump down to the next line. DON’T USE THE RETURN KEY. It’s not necessary! Have you noticed that the cursor is now split into two parts? To find out what these parts do, just LEAP!!! THE CURSOR AND HIGHLIGHT First creep to the right of the three equal signs, then tap the SPACE BAR. The cursor splits. The blinking part is called the cursor (as we said earlier). The bright solid rectangle is called the HIGHLIGHT. The cursor shows you where the next thing you type will appear. The highlight shows you what will be erased if you press the DELETE key. Always. 0 === Example: Type your name. Notice how the cursor stays in front of the LAST letter you typed, showing you where the NEXT letter will appear. Now tap the DELETE key. The cursor backs up, erasing the letters of your name. The letter in the highlight is the one that disappears when you tap the DELETE key. LEAP!!! THE FUNDAMENTAL CURSOR RULE It°s a point worth repeating: The cursor shows you where the next thing you type will appear. The highlight shows you what will be erased if you press the DELETE key. 0 9 === After a leap (or a creep) the curzor and highlight overlap. The rule still holds: you can either type or delete at that location. Example: How about helping us fix the "z" in "curzor"? Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the Z key. LET GO. Tap the DELETE key once. Type: Ss After the leap to the "z", both cursor and highlight were at the same location. You both deleted and typed at that location. (P.S. Thank you!) LEAP!!! WIDE CURSOR, NARROW CURSOR Now you know that the cursor has two parts. The parts split when you type. They join together when you leap or creep. We call the split cursor WIDE, and the joined-together cursor NARROW. You just leaped, so the cursor is narrow. There’s an important difference between wide and narrow. Example: Creep over to the "n" in the word "narrow". Stop. Tap the DELETE key six times. 10 === narrow Aha! The NARROW cursor gobbles letters on its right side. Now type the word "wide". The cursor is now WIDE (split). Tap the DELETE key four times. Another aha! The wide cursor backs up when you tap DELETE. FORWARD delete and BACKWARD delete -- that’s the difference between the narrow and wide cursor. Why did we make delete work in two directions? To find out the answer, LEAP!!! USING FORWARD DELETE AND BACKWARD DELETE Forward delete (narrow cursor) comes in handy when you want to delete one word and substitute another. You leap or creep over to the word, gobble it up, then type the new word. Backward delete (wide cursor) is the natural direction for deleting when you make a mistake while typing. 1 1 === The nice thing is that the cursor usually deletes in the direction you want without your having to think about it. If SwyftCard guesses wrong, you can tap one of the LEAP keys to change the cursor to narrow, or tap the SPACE BAR to change it to wide. The delete direction will change accordingly. LEAP!!! JUST A REMINDER Remember who’s in charge. If the computer gets rambunctious and throws you off the track, turn it off, catch your breath, and turn it on again. A fresh start is always there for you. 1 === If the Apple starts to bleep at you every time you tap a key, do the same thing: turn it off and start over. The bleeping only means that you have run out of room to type (very unlikely). LEAP!!! AUTOREPEAT AND REVERSE WORD WRAP Now for some fun. First, creep to the right of the three equal signs. Next, press and hold the T key and watch: a chain of "t"s appears. Let the line of "ttttttt"s grow a couple of inches. Now press and hold the DELETE key: you can delete the "t"s as fast as you created them. This feature is called AUTOREPEAT. Most of the keys have it. Erase "tttttt" by pressing and holding DELETE. 1 === Forward delete can also autorepeat. An example follows. READ THIS BEFORE YOU DO IT: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the F key. LET GO. Press and hold the DELETE key. Notice that word wrap works in reverse. As you vacuum up words, words from the line below move up. STOP! Dont eat this line. Don’t worry about fixing the text, just LEAP!!! 10 USING THE RETURN KEY Use the RETURN key at the end of a paragraph or if you want to force a line to end before it reaches the right side of the screen. 1 4 === Example: Creep to the right of the equal signs. Type: Many happy returns Then tap the RETURN key twice and type your name. This shows how to end paragraphs or lines with the RETURN key. LEAP!!! USE THE RETURN KEY TO BREAK PARAGRAPHS It is customary to tap the RETURN key twice at the end of a paragraph. This creates a blank line between paragraphs. If you want to split one paragraph into two, insert two returns at the appropriate place. 15 Example: Creep to the quote mark just ahead of the equal signs. Tap the RETURN key twice to put in the paragraph break before "I’ve". "Take some more tea," the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly. === "I’ve had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone: "so I can’t take more." LEAP!!! 11 RETURN CHARACTERS Each tap of the RETURN key places a RETURN CHARACTER in the text. The return character cannot be seen unless the cursor is on it. Example: Creep to the right of the three equal signs and tap the RETURN key once. Look at the highlight. The shaded spot in the highlight is a return character. 1 === Though invisible, return characters are really no different than other characters. You can leap to them and delete them. LEAP!!! TURNING TWO PARAGRAPHS INTO ONE Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the RETURN key once. LET GO. You have just leaped to a return character (see the shadow in the highlight?). 17 === Leaping to a return character is a good way to get to the end of a paragraph. Since paragraphs are separated by two return characters, deleting the two returns will remove the paragraph break. Example: Tap the DELETE key twice. You just used forward delete to take out the two return characters that separated the paragraphs (fundamental cursor rule -- the returns were in the highlight). Now tap the SPACE BAR twice to separate the two sentences. LEAP!!! 12 HOW TO INSERT NEW TEXT The trick is to place the cursor on the first character of the text that you want to move out of the way of your new text. Then type. Example: To change "nowhere" to "now here", creep or leap to the "h" in "nowhere". LET GO. Tap the SPACE BAR. Done. 18 === "Nowhere," she said. Creep forward a little so you can clearly see the change. The fundamental cursor rule works again -- the space appeared at the position of the cursor. LEAP!!! HOW TO INSERT TEXT -- A TRICKIER EXAMPLE Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the period key, then LET GO. Type a comma (,) tap the SPACE BAR, then type: a fabulous idea 19 === "A good idea." What else could one say when Dr. Farnsworth unveiled his petrol-powered pepperoni pizza puncher? We didn°t have to type a period (.) after "a fabulous idea" -- we used the one we had already. Do you have two periods? Tap DELETE once if you do. LEAP!!! 13 THE TAB KEY A tap of the TAB key is equivalent to tapping the SPACE BAR five times. Actually, the cursor moves ahead to the next of 15 prearranged tab stops which are five spaces apart. If you happen to be near one, the cursor may move less than five spaces. re ee, oe rrr: ed Oa Co |, | S| 2 0 === Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the RETURN key once. LET GO. Tap the TAB key repeatedly. You are stopping at the prearranged tab stops, as indicated by the marks above. LEAP!!! 14 USE TAB TO CENTER A TITLE This is just another example of inserting text -- spaces, in this case. Example: Leap or creep to the "M" in "MOBY DICK". LET GO. Tap the TAB key four times. 21 === MOBY DICK -- A WHALE OF A TALE LEAP!!! PARAGRAPH INDENTS Use TAB to indent paragraphs. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the D key. LET GO. Tap TAB once. 2 2 === Dr. Farnsworth was in a fury. Peter had absconded with the pizza puncher. "Great Scott!" the Doctor roared, "Peter’s punching pepperoni pizzas puts Pittsburgh’s pizza parlors in peril!" LEAP!!! 15 GETTING TO OPEN SPACE ON THE SCREEN Suppose you wanted to put the words "True Blue" in the center of the screen below the three equal signs. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the RETURN key once. LET GO. Tap the RETURN key a few times, then tap TAB seven times. Type: True Tap the RETURN key once. Tap TAB seven times. Type: Blue 2 3 === LEAP!!! UNDERLINING Underlining shows up only WHEN THE TEXT IS PRINTED, not on the screen. We do it this odd way because the Apple //e cannot show underlining on the screen. How it~s done: Hold down a SHIFT key and type a single underline character in front of the word or words you want to underline. The underlining will continue until you a) type another underline, b) type two consecutive returns, or c) come to the end of a page. 2 === For example, if you wanted to underline the word "fandango" in the following phrase, you would type: The fandango is my favorite dance. If you wanted a continuous underscore for "Fandango Frank’s Fritter Factory" you would type: Fandango Frank's Fritter Factory LEAP!!! 16 THAT’S IT FOR TYPING. 2 5 === LEAP!!! HIGHLIGHTING A CHUNK OF TEXT The highlight can be extended to grab a whole chunk of text at once. Once the chunk is highlighted, you can DO things with it. 2 6 === What can you do? DELETE it all at once, copy it, move it around and INSERT it elsewhere, PRINT it, SEND it over phone lines (if you have a modem), CALCulate it if it°s arithmetic. Each of these commands takes just two keystrokes. LEAP!!! 17 THE QUICK AND EASY HIGHLIGHT Example: Creep to the right of the three equal signs. Type: fritters Stop. Press both LEAP keys at once. LET GO. Tap DELETE. 27 === Everything you have typed since the last leap or creep can be deleted by pressing both LEAP keys at once and then tapping the DELETE key. LEAP!!! HIGHLIGHTING BY LEAPING Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the RETURN key. Press both LEAP keys at once (you do not have to let go of LEAP FORWARD before pressing LEAP BACKWARD). LET GO. Now, when removing (undoing) the highlight, you have a choice about which side the cursor will go to. 28 === "That’s no UFO," said officer Whitley, "that’s a pizza!" Example: Assuming the highlight is still extended, tap LEAP BACKWARD (left LEAP key). The highlight collapses and the cursor is on the three equals. Press both LEAP keys to restore the highlight. LET GO. Tap LEAP FORWARD (right LEAP key). The highlight collapses, leaving the cursor on the return. LEAP!!! 18 HOW TO HIGHLIGHT BY LEAPING The last example showed you: If you press both LEAP keys after a leap, the text will light up from the first to the last character in the leap. The direction you leaped -- forward or backward -- doesn’t matter. Example: In your leap to this screen you covered about half a page of text. Press both LEAP keys at once and it will highlight. Part of the highlighted text will be off-screen above. 2 9 === You can highlight as little as two characters by leaping, or many characters -- up to and including everything in the Text. LEAP!!! (The highlight automatically collapses when you start to leap.) ADJUSTING THE HIGHLIGHTED CHUNK BY CREEPING You can "fine tune" the boundaries of the highlighted chunk by creeping. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the X key. Press both LEAP keys at once. Suppose now you want to change the right or left border of the highlight. 30 === ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Press and release the LEAP FORWARD key. The highlight collapses on the "X". Now creep forward from "X" to "Z". Press both LEAP keys at once. The right border of the highlight has moved to the "Z". Press and release the LEAP BACKWARD key. The highlight collapses on the equal signs. Now creep forward to the "C". Press both LEAP keys at once. The borders of the highlight are now "C" and "Z". LEAP!!! 19 HOW TO DELETE A CHUNK OF TEXT AND BRING IT BACK Example: Leap or creep to the "M" in "Martin". LET GO. Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the period . key. Press both LEAP keys at once. LET GO. Tap DELETE. Bye bye Martin. 31 === Martin peered out the window. A little man with a wart on his nose and a cockeyed smile was standing at the door. He held a very large pizza. "I didn°t order any pizza," thought Martin. "Whats going on here?" Now to bring it back: Hold down the USE FRONT key and, while you hold it down, tap the A key. LEAP!!! THE INSERT COMMAND USE FRONT A is called the INSERT COMMAND. Each time you use the INSERT command you get a copy of the last thing you highlighted and deleted. The inserted text appears at the position of the cursor, aS if you had typed it beginning at that point. An example follows. 32 === There was a wild-eyed old man with thick glasses peering in at him. "Have you seen a little fellow with a wart on his nose and a very large pizza?" the old man raved. "What a weird night," thought Martin. Example: Creep to the "T" in "There". Use the INSERT command (hold down USE FRONT and tap A). The last thing you highlighted and deleted pops out. Tap the SPACE BAR twice to separate the sentences. LEAP!!! 20 HOW LONG IS THE DELETED TEXT STORED? It°s still there. It will be there until you highlight and delete something else. Example: Creep to the right of the three equal signs. Hold down USE FRONT and tap A. Keep holding USE FRONT and tap A again. Each time you tap you get a new copy. 3 3 === Deleting character-by-character does not affect INSERT. Example: LET GO of USE FRONT. Tap the LEFT LEAP key (LEAP BACKWARD). Now tap the DELETE key a bunch of times. Hold down USE FRONT and tap A -- your text is still there. LEAP!!! CAREFUL WHEN YOU DELETE A CHUNK To put it another way, the computer is like a squirrel that can hold only one nut in its mouth at a time. When you give the squirrel a new nut (highlight and delete another chunk), it will abandon the previous nut. 3 === The moral is simply to be sure you don’t mind losing the text in storage when you go to highlight and delete something new. LEAP!!! 21 MOVING CHUNKS OF TEXT FROM PLACE TO PLACE Highlight it, DELETE it, move the cursor, and use the INSERT command. That’s all. Example: Creep to the right of the three equal signs. Hold USE FRONT and tap the A key. Watch what pops out. 3 5 === LEAP!!! THE LEAP AGAIN KEY Suppose you want to highlight a chunk of text, call it Chunk A. Chunk A begins with a common letter, an "e". How should you get past all the other "e"s to the one you want? You need to leap from "e" to "e" -- leap frog them, as it were. Thats what the LEAP AGAIN key is for. While you hold down a LEAP key, TAB changes to the AGAIN key. Each tap of LEAP AGAIN will cause the cursor to leap again to the same thing. 3 6 === As you do the following example, remember to hold down the LEAP key and don’t let it up at all until you see the words LET GO. Example: Hold down LEAP FORWARD and tap the E key. The cursor goes to the "e" in "the". Continue to hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key (tap TAB). Tap it repeatedly. Each tap moves you forward to the next "e". LET GO, then LEAP!!! 22 THE MOST COMMON MISTAKE IN LEAPING You know you’re making it when you find yourself holding a LEAP key, tapping again and again on the same letter key, and going NOWHERE. The reason is that you cannot make the cursor leap again by tapping the key again. What you should be tapping again and again is the LEAP AGAIN key! Ct p p p ppp p p p p Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the P key three times. Instead of leapfrogging from "p" to "p", you go directly to the "ppp". Let’s try the LEAP AGAIN key. LET GO, hold LEAP FORWARD, tap the P key only once, and tap the AGAIN key several times while you continue to hold LEAP FORWARD. LET GO and LEAP!!! 23 LEAP AGAIN IS AN AUTOREPEATING KEY Like TAB, LEAP AGAIN autorepeats if you hold it down. In the following example you will leap from word to word by leaping to the spaces between the words (spaces, too, are characters. Without space characters the words wouldallruntogether). 3 === Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the SPACE BAR once. Continue to hold LEAP FORWARD and then press and hold the LEAP AGAIN key. You will begin to scoot ahead very quickly, though still space-by-space. To change directions, LET GO of LEAP FORWARD, press and hold LEAP BACKWARD and then press and hold the LEAP AGAIN key. Try it. LET GO and LEAP!!! LEAPING FROM SENTENCE TO SENTENCE... By leaping from period to period, you can leap from sentence to sentence. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the period ._ key once. 39 === Continue to hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key (TAB) five times. Each tap moves you to the end of another sentence. Stop before you run out of periods to leap to. To change directions, LET GO of LEAP FORWARD, press and hold LEAP BACKWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key. Try it. When you are done... .. LET GO and LEAP!!! 24 LEAPING FROM PARAGRAPH TO PARAGRAPH Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the RETURN key exactly TWO times (there are two returns between paragraphs). 4 0 === Continue to hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key (TAB) exactly FOUR times. LET GO of LEAP FORWARD, press and hold LEAP BACKWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key exactly SIX times. LET GO of LEAP BACKWARD, press and hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key exactly TWO times. Make sure you are to the right of the three equals. LET GO and then LEAP!!! Try again if it doesn’t work the first time. 25 LEAPING FROM PAGE TO PAGE The pages of the text are continuous, like a player piano scroll. The screen is a WINDOW that looks in a section of the scroll. The question is how to move the window so that it looks at a new part of the scroll. The answer is simply an extension of the last example you did. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the RETURN key exactly two times. 41 === Continue holding LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key. The cursor lands at the end of this line: Keep holding LEAP FORWARD. Tap the LEAP AGAIN key again and you will arrive at the end of this paragraph. Dont let go of LEAP FORWARD. Tap the LEAP AGAIN key and the cursor will land here. Don’t LET GO yet. Tap the LEAP AGAIN key one more time and the screen will flicker as the window readjusts. The cursor will be on the return character at the end of this paragraph. At the top of the screen you’1l see part of the previous window. This is the technique we use to "leaf" or "Scroll" through the pages. More on this later. First... LET GO and then LEAP!!! 26 LEAPING FROM DOCUMENT TO DOCUMENT This is the next step in leaping around the SwyftCard Text. Spaces separate words, periods separate sentences, and returns separate paragraphs. The PAGE CHARACTER separates documents by forcing a new page to begin. First locate the PAGE key: it’s in the upper left corner of the keyboard, marked ESC. 4 === Example: Creep to the right of the three equal signs. Tap the PAGE key once. Type: The Attack of the Forty-Foot Pizza, by (your name). This is how you begin the great American novel (or any other document). LEAP!!! PAGE CHARACTERS The page character symbol is a double-dashed bar with a number in the middle. When the page is printed, the number will appear at the bottom center. The double-dashed bar will not print. In spite of the impressive appearance of the page character, you can delete it with a single keystroke, as you would any other character. 4 === Example: Tap the PAGE key three times. Now tap the DELETE key exactly three times. You can also leap to page characters, which allows you to leap from document to document. But first, a word about a cousin of page characters: PAGE BREAKS. Creep to the right of the three equals, then LEAP!!! 27 PAGE BREAKS Let°s say you type a page character and then begin your new document. Eventually you type enough text to fill up a standard piece of paper. When this happens a single-dashed line called a PAGE BREAK appears: (This page break is fake. If it were real, it would mean that you had just completed page two and begun page three with this paragraph.) A page break is like a mileage marker. The computer puts it in to let you know when you cross over from one page into the next. It is just a marker, not a character, thus you cannot leap to it. In general, begin your document with a page character, then let the page breaks appear automatically as you type. LEAP!!! LEAPING FROM DOCUMENT TO DOCUMENT USING PAGE CHARACTERS Three thrilling documents lie ahead. Let’s take a tour. Later on, well show you how you can find any part of any one of these documents just about instantly. That°s called INFORMATION RETRIEVAL. 4 5 === DO NOT LEAP!!! AS USUAL. Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the PAGE key. 28 zen and the Art of Leaping by Dr. Fenton Farnsworth The first step is to calm the mind. Then hold down the LEAP FORWARD key effortlessly, with the thumb. Tap the LEAP AGAIN key. Bingo! 29 Dear Dr. Farnsworth: I am 87 years old. I just wanted to say that I read your book, and now I’m leaping from hither to yon and back like a jackrabbit. Thanks, Doc. Sincerely, M. Hooney P.S. Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key (see how I’m using the AGAIN key “cause PAGE has been "memorized" by the LEAP key! Darn, I’m smart!). 30 Car buff~s phone list Avery Thixell; 45 Main St., New Luxbury, CA 95122; 652-5623; ~83 Saab Monte Ableson; 1616 Camino Cerrado, Silicon Valley, CA 95011; 202-3501; ~71 VW Dr. F. Farnsworth; 13 Craggy Peak, Wormwood Corner, CA; 826-7473; ~40 Packard Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key. cal THE ULTIMATE LEAP Now you know how to leap from letter to letter, word to word, sentence to sentence, paragraph to paragraph, page to page, and document to document. Whew! What about the ultimate leap -- the ability to leap anywhere in the text, whether it’s on the same screen, or twenty pages away? LET GO and LEAP!!! to THREE EQUAL SIGNS. PATTERNS To make the cursor leap anywhere, we use PATTERNS. 46 === p pa pat patt patte patter Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD and slowly type: pattern pattern The cursor will work its way toward the "p" in "pattern" as you type. LET GO and LEAP!!! 32 PATTERNS: HOW THEY WORK A pattern of characters is like a fingerprint. If you hold down a LEAP key and string together enough characters in a pattern, the cursor will have no choice but to go exactly where you choose. There will simply be no other pattern of characters like it in the text. The first character in the pattern is the TARGET CHARACTER. The target is where you want the cursor to go. It can be any character youve typed, including a space, a return, or a page character. 4 7 === To leap to the target, hold down the appropriate LEAP key, and, while the LEAP key is down, type the target character and the characters that follow it in the text. Keep typing until the cursor lands where you want it to go. Use the LEAP AGAIN key if you need to leap to another instance of the pattern. Example: Let’s reuse the three equals pattern. Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key once. HOW TO LEAP TO THE SPACE BEFORE A WORD While holding down the LEAP key, type the space and the word that follows the space. 4 === Example: The target is the space before "in" in this sentence. Press and hold LEAP FORWARD, tap the SPACE BAR, type: in Example: (LET GO) The target is now the space before the word "before" in this sentence. Hold down LEAP FORWARD, tap the SPACE BAR, type: be LET GO. LEAP!!! 33 HOW TO LEAP TO THE SPACE AFTER A WORD Youve already done it. The space before one word is nothing more or less than the space after the previous word. 4 === Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key once. 34 HOW TO LEAP TO THE LAST LETTER IN A WORD While holding down the LEAP key, type the last letter in the word, the space or punctuation following the word, and whatever follows. 5 0 === Example: The target is the "T" in "LET GO". Hold LEAP FORWARD, tap the T key, tap the SPACE BAR, tap the G key. LET GO. Example: The target again is the "T" in "LET GO", so we can use the LEAP AGAIN key. Hold LEAP FORWARD and tap the LEAP AGAIN key three times. LET GO. LEAP!!! CAPITALS IN LEAP PATTERNS Did you notice that "t" was used to leap to "T" in the previous example? A leap pattern of lowercase letters will find both upper and lowercase letters in the text. A leap pattern of "me" will find: me, Me, mE, and ME. An uppercase letter in a leap pattern will go specifically to an uppercase letter in the text. "ME" will go only to "ME". That is why CAPS LOCK can throw leaping out of whack: it limits the cursor to capital letter patterns. 5 === Capitals in leap patterns are useful in locating titles, names, and proper nouns. Lowercase leap patterns are useful in locating all examples of a particular word or part of a word. LEAP!!! 35 UNDOING A LEAP With the ability to use patterns, you gain the ability to leap great distances. You may also miss your target -- sometimes by many pages. It’s important to know what to do when this happens. If you leap to the wrong place and want to get back to where you were, DON’T LET GO of the LEAP KEY, just tap the X key a bunch of times. 5 2 === This bounces you back where you were. Then you can LET GO and start the leap over. But why do you bounce back? LEAP!!! and find out. 36 THE CURSOR GIVES UP THE SEARCH When you type a leap pattern that cannot be found, the cursor gives up the search and goes back where it started from. Tapping the X key is one way of creating a pattern that cannot be found. Another way some people like is to riffle the keys as if playing scales on a piano. 5 3 === You must not LET GO of the LEAP key. Once you LET GO, the leap is completed and you can’t use the X key to get back to where you were any more. If you do let go, you can usually remember a key word or phrase from the location you just left. Hold down the LEAP key and type it -- the cursor will probably leap back in one shot. If not, tap the LEAP AGAIN key. LEAP!!! EXAMPLE: GETTING BACK FROM A LEAP Let°s leap out to "the zoo" and back. Don’t LET GO of LEAP FORWARD until you are back on the three equal signs. Hold down LEAP FORWARD. Tap the Z key (you will leap to "zoo"), then tap the X key. The cursor leaps back to the three equals. 54S5= [tS a LONG Way CO. s0seesseeww eee vewse Ones tee ae ee ewes the zoo. LET GO. LEAP!!! 3] PRACTICE UNDOING A LEAP This is an all-important skill, so here’s some extra practice. LEAP FORWARD to a target word. DON’T LET GO! Undo the leap by tapping the X key. Example: Hold LEAP FORWARD, type: gr (Don°t LET GO) This leaps you to "green". To undo the leap, type: xxx Now LET GO and do another. Do ALL the targets! 5 === airplane rain shoe moon glass green new fun short zebra After practicing, LEAP!!! 38 BROWSING With the ability to get back from a leap comes the ability to browse. Browsing is like holding your thumb between the pages of a book while you flip through the other pages. When youre done, you flip back to the page you were on (by tapping the X key). IMPORTANT: As you do the following example, hold down the LEAP key and DO NOT LET GO until you use the X key to get back to this screen. If you get lost, hold LEAP FORWARD and type the number of this screen. 56 === READ FIRST BEFORE YOU START TO DO THIS EXAMPLE: Hold down LEAP BACKWARD and tap the RETURN key twice. Press the LEAP AGAIN key and HOLD IT DOWN. You will move backward through the text. As long as you do not LET GO of the LEAP key you can stop anywhere, read, and continue on by pressing the LEAP AGAIN key. When you want to leap back, let go of AGAIN and tap the X key a few times. Done browsing? LET GO and then LEAP!!! 39 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Note: You’ve been using LEAP FORWARD a lot, so be sure to use LEAP BACKWARD if the example calls for it. You should read any exercise on information retrieval all the way through before you do it. Example: You wonder if you have any letters among the documents on this disk. Hold LEAP BACKWARD and type a pattern unique to letters: Dear Use xxx to get back to this screen. When youre back, LET GO and LEAP!!! INFORMATION RETRIEVAL Example: You wonder who you know that owns a Saab. Consult your car buff’s directory, BUT REMEMBER: DON’T LET GO OF LEAP FORWARD. Hold down LEAP FORWARD and type: saab Then use xxx to get back. 5 === LET GO and LEAP!!! 40 INFORMATION RETRIEVAL How many times does the word "pizza" appear in your essay? Hold LEAP BACKWARD and type: piz Tap the LEAP AGAIN key to leap to every "pizza" in the Text. Eventually you will come back to this screen, at which point you can LET GO. 5 === Information retrieval is great when Aunt Martha unloads the summer crop of zucchini on you: Just get your "Recipes" disk, leap to "zucchini", and start sorting through the recipes with the LEAP AGAIN key! LET GO and LEAP!!! THE REST OF SWYFTCARD’S COMMANDS SwyftCard has five commands: INSERT, CALC, PRINT, SEND, and DISK. You already know INSERT. CALC, PRINT, and SEND work similarly: you highlight the text, then hold down USE FRONT and tap the command key to execute the command. DISK is even simpler to use. 6 === The manual will provide you with details on each command. The following is a Swyft introduction to each of them. LEAP!!! 4] CALC (USE FRONT G) CALC is a real workhorse. It does calculations, sets up your printer, adjusts the format of your printout, controls the modem, and tells you how many characters you can type before you run out of room. It can also run programs in BASIC. Example: Creep to the right of the equal signs. 6 1 === Type: ? 5.6 + 3 Then press and hold USE FRONT, and, while holding it, tap the G key. The answer, 8.6, will be inserted in the text. Tap DELETE to erase the problem, leaving only the answer in text. When you use the CALC command, the highlight automatically extends to what you have typed since the last leap or creep (you can highlight in the usual manner, too). LEAP!!! 42 PRINT (USE FRONT N) To print something you must, of course, have a printer. Printing text is Simplicity itself: Leap the cursor from the first character to last (or last to first) of the text you want to print, then use the PRINT command. Highlighting is automatic. Any amount of text may be printed: one character, one sentence, one paragraph, a page, the entire Text -- whatever you highlight. 6 2 === Try this command with your printer. If it does not work correctly, see the manual for information on how to set up your printer before you use the PRINT command. The printer interface card goes in Slot 1. LEAP!!! 43 SEND (USE FRONT D) Assuming you have an appropriate communications interface card in Slot 2 of your Apple, you can send text over phone lines and receive text from other computers and data services. 6 3 === To SEND text, simply leap from first character to last (or last to first) of the text you wish to transmit, then use the SEND command. Highlighting is automatic. LEAP!!! 44 DISK (USE FRONT L) Here’s all you need to know to use this command correctly: Use the DISK command immediately after you place a disk in the drive and close the door. Use the DISK command again BEFORE you open the door to take out a disk. That’s ai aes 6 === The DISK command loads the information on disks into the computer, saves your work (writes it on the disk), and protects your text against accidental loss. How it knows when to do what is explained in the manual. LEAP!!! 45 USE THE DISK COMMAND FREQUENTLY The text on your screen is like writing in sand: the instant the power is cut, good bye text. But text may be stored more or less permanently on a diskette. Thus you should use the DISK command every few paragraphs while you write. The DISK command will save your updated text on the diskette, ensuring that you will not lose important changes and additions. 6 === LEAP!!! 46 COPY UP This feature of the DISK command allows you to move text from one Text to another. For example, suppose you have Chapter III of your novel on Disk A, and Chapter IV on Disk B. Using COPY UP you could combine Chapters III and IV on one disk. 6 === This, too, is fully explained in the manual. LEAP!!! 47 CONGRATULATIONS! THIS CONCLUDES THE TUTORIAL. To review, hold LEAP FORWARD, then tap the LEAP AGAIN key to flip from screen to screen. 6 7 === 48